Partnering with you in overcoming challenges
to get back to living life the way you want to
“I want to thank you for helping my son J with the therapy sessions. I can see they have benefited him. Thanks so much!”
Mrs. S(Parent of 23 year old NS regular)
“Thank you for your help. Since S has started therapy, her anxiety and depression has
improved. She no longer refuses to go to school and her confidence in herself has improved tremendously. She is now more independent and she feels better about herself and who she
is. ”
Mrs. PMrs P (parent of 17 year old teenager)
“After attending couples therapy, we are now communicating and understanding each other better. My husband is more able to emotionally support me and I can now see that he truly loves me and I don’t feel dismissed or “abandoned” by him. Our love and understanding for each other has deepened and we are more able to appreciate each other.”
(Married couple, K and S)
The separation from my husband had been a very painful and difficult journey. Often my emotions so overwhelming. But through therapy, I have learnt to manage my emotions
better and also to understand myself. Now I am able to observe my emotions, be curious
and process my emotions better than before. I am grateful to have you journeying with me,
Sylvia. Even though my circumstances have not changed, I wouldn’t have coped and come
this far without you.
(SY, divorcee)
After the traumatic death of my father, I suffered for depression for 3 years with nonstop crying and mental numbness. Through therapy, I got to understand that I had experienced
something very traumatic, and I understood why I had depression. I was able to process my feelings in a safe and supportive way. One therapy session, I had a supernatural encounter
whereby I felt an energy lifting the weight of depression from my body. I saw a very bright light and my whole body became light as a feather. I was blown away by the experience and
didn’t know what had happened to me. Sylvia told me that I encountered a loving God who wanted to heal me, who has forgiven me, so I could forgive myself. Since then, I came to believe in Jesus and left the session feeling very light and free. Even my colleagues could see a sudden change in my countenance. I no longer have depression and my outlook in life has
changed completely. I am now more carefree and able to enjoy life much more.”
(SY, divorcee)
Counselling Psychologist
Sylvia Tan - Founder, Principal Counselling Psychologist, MPsych (SRP Registered)
Sylvia is a Counselling Psychologist practicing in Singapore. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology from Curtin University of Technology ( Perth, Western Australia) and is currently a registered counselling psychologist and a clinical supervisor with the Singapore Register of Psychologists (SRP).
After her graduation in 2002, Sylvia lived and worked in Australia for many years before her relocation back to her home country Singapore in 2014. To date, Sylvia has over 20 years of experience working in a range of settings both in Australia and Singapore.
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